Panel on “Gallipoli Front From the Perspectives of United And Joint Operation” Was Held

The Turkish military's superior combat tactics at the Gallipoli Front was discussed at the panel. In addition, it was emphasized that the consciousness of being a nation was used expertly against a superior power of weapon . It was emphasized that the consciousness of being nation can only be achieved with determination and  ambition . It is said that this consciousness has brought prestige to a country internationally. Lastly, the consciousness of being a nation was stated to be the most important factor in winning the War of Independence.

The panel started with the opening speech of Hüseyin Natık Kişoğlu, President of Battles of Gallipoli Institute. In his speech, he stated that the Turkish Martyrdom Reconstruction Foundation, established by order of Mustafa Kemal, is almost coeval with  the Republic of Turkey. Kişioğlu emphasized that Anafarta Magazine, which is the publication of the Battles of Gallipoli Institute, is a very important source of information about the Battles of Gallipoli.

The speakers who made their presentation in the panel are: Assoc. Prof. Ali Satan, “The Importance of the Çanakkale Front in terms of the Ottoman Army”;  Dr. Edward J. Erıckson, “The Role and Importance of Çanakkale Battles in World History”; Professor  Mesut Uyar,” The Battle of Çanakkale: Forgetting, Remembering and Commemoration”;  Klaus Wolf “The German Factor in Gallipoli 1915; Thomas Iredale, “Wınston’s Little Army” The Royal Naval Division on Gallipoli 1915” .

The question-answer part took place at the end of the pannel. The event ended with presenting gifts to the panelists.