Turkish Easy Language Project Workshop Held

In the workshop organized as part of the TÜBİTAK-initiated 'Institutional Framework of Easy Turkish Language' project, methods to increase the inclusivity of easy language and make communication more understandable were discussed. During the workshop, goals were set to reduce linguistic barriers that address various segments of society.

"Easy Language Workshop" was organized as part of the TÜBİTAK project titled "Institutional Framework of Easy Turkish Language."

At the workshop held at the Marmara University's Göztepe Campus, TÜBİTAK Project Manager Assoc. Prof. Sine Demirkıvıran explained that the project focuses on methods to increase the inclusivity of the language and make communication clearer and more accessible for everyone. Demirkıvıran also mentioned that the project will be completed in May of the following year. "The lack of a scientific-based and comprehensive initiative to make language more understandable in daily life for individuals with mental disabilities or learning difficulties from all age groups is striking. At this point, our project serves as the first comprehensive scientific step that will lead to the implementation and development of easy language in our country," she said.

She noted that easy language aims to address various segments of society, such as the hearing impaired, the deaf, individuals with reading difficulties, those with limited education, the elderly, and those learning Turkish as a foreign language, minimizing linguistic barriers.

In the first phase, the goal is to develop national principles by considering the unique linguistic structure and expression features of Turkish. Demirkıvıran emphasized that "in the initial phase, we focused on developing principles and criteria for clarity that are suitable for Turkish. During the project, we considered Germany as a 'good practice example' because Germany is a leader in easy language applications and scientific research globally. However, while examining their experiences, we also evaluate incorrect or incomplete practices and take them seriously to avoid similar problems."

"We are expecting the implementation of the Common Turkish Alphabet for the Turkish World"

Harun Şahin, Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Language Association (TDK), stated that the Turkish language is spoken across a wide geography and researched as a scientific language.

Drawing attention to the significant developments in the Turkish language in recent years, Şahin said, "One of these developments is the acceptance of the 34-letter Common Turkish Alphabet. This achievement was made possible through intense diplomatic work and state-level support over the past three years. We thank President Erdoğan and the heads of state of the Turkish republics, as well as all those who contributed. We are expecting the implementation of the Common Turkish Alphabet for the Turkish World."

Şahin also mentioned that they established the Turkish World Terminology Commission and emphasized the need to develop a Large Turkish Language Model.

He further shared that under the patronage of the Presidency, TDK will begin a corpus study in January, initially compiling 5 billion words that will reflect the vocabulary of Turkish.

"It will also serve the general benefit of society"

Marmara University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt explained that while easy language texts may not eliminate communication barriers, they are highly functional in minimizing them.

Kurt described the main goal of easy language as increasing the comprehensibility and perceivability of communication opportunities, as well as integrating the target audience into society. He stated, "One of the most critical aspects of Turkish Easy Language studies is that they provide valuable contributions to a very broad field. With contributions from fields such as education sciences, social services, psychology, information technologies, and public relations, 'Turkish Easy Language Research' can be addressed from a wider perspective and pave the way for further applications."


In the first session, chaired by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih Aysan, TÜBİTAK Project Manager Demirkıvıran gave a presentation on "The Foundations of Easy Language."

Dr. Fayıka Göktepe, in her presentation titled "Easy Turkish Language as Intra-Language Translation," emphasized the importance of minimizing the use of foreign words.

In the second session, chaired by Prof. Dr. Ümran Ay, Mustafa Otrar, Director General of Special Education and Counseling Services at the Ministry of National Education, gave a presentation on "Ministry of National Education’s Efforts to Support the Active Participation and Socio-Emotional Development Skills of Individuals Requiring Special Attention."

Deniz Çağlayan Gümüş, Director of Accessibility at the Ministry of Family and Social Services, gave a presentation titled "Accessibility and Easy Language," emphasizing the importance of using symbols in communication for accessibility.

Belgüzar Gürer Aksoy, Director of Zonguldak Public Library, also gave a presentation titled "Books for Everyone."

In the third session, chaired by Prof. Dr. Sueda Özbent, various presentations were made by Fulya Ekmen, Vice President of the Turkey Down Syndrome Association, Prof. Dr. Christiane Maab, Prof. Dr. Bettina Bock, and Inga Schiffler, a German Easy Language Translator.

Certificates were presented to the participants after the sessions.

Kaynak : Anadolu Agency