Administrative Board

a. Establishment and Functions: The administrative board of the university is headed up by the rector, the deans and three professors selected every four years by the senate to represent the teaching units and departments.
The administrative board is convened upon the demand of the rector.
The assistant rectors may participate in the administrative board, but they have no vote.

b. Duties: The administrative board of the university carries out the duties below as an advisory organ for the recto in administrative functions:

  1. The board assists the rector in the implementation of decisions by the Higher Educational Council and the senate, in keeping with determined plans and programmes, 
  2. In order to implement the plans and programmes of activities, taking into consideration the suggestions of units affiliated with the university, the administrative board examines the budget draft and presents this to the rector with their own suggestions,
  3. The board makes decisions on matters that the rector presents concerned with the administration of the university,
  4. The board examines objections made to dcisions by the faculties, institutes and school administrations and arrive at a final and binding decision on the matter, 
  5. The board carries out the other duties given to it according to Law No. 2547.


Administrative Board

Dr. Mustafa KURT Rector
Dr. Mustafa ÇELEN Vice Rector
Dr. Ömer AKGİRAY Vice Rector
Dr. Hasan KORKUT Vice Rector
Dr. Seyfi KENAN Dean of  Faculty of Atatürk Education
Dr. Korkut ULUCAN Dean of Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Hatice KÜBRA ELÇİOĞLU Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy
Dr. Ali Rıza ÖZKAYA Dean of Faculty of Science
Dr. Server DEMİRCİ Dean of Faculty of Financial Sciences
Dr. Emre İKİZLER Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts
Dr. Mehmet AKMAN Dean of Faculty of Law
Dr. Sadullah ÇELİK Dean of Faculty of Economics
Dr. İ. Safa ÜSTÜN Dean of Faculty of Theology
Dr. Mehmet Emin BABACAN Dean of Faculty of Communication
Dr. Sebahat DENİZ Dean Acting of Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
Dr. Mehmet Emin OKUR Dean of Faculty of Business Administration
Dr. İmre ÖZBEK EREN Dean Acting of Faculty of Architecture and Design
Dr. Bülent EKİCİ Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Mustafa KURT Dean of Faculty of Technology
Dr. Ümit Süleyman ŞEHİRLİ Dean of Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Mustafa KURT Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Nail YILMAZ Dean Acting of Faculty of Political Sciences
Dr. Mehmet Mustafa YORULMAZLAR Dean of Faculty of Sport Sciences
Dr. Sibel KILIÇ Dean of Faculty of Applied Sciences V.
Dr. Erişah ARICAN Member
Dr. Gül ÜSTÜN Member
Dr. İclal ATTİLA Member


This page updated by Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı on 18.03.2025 10:06:11