The 110th Anniversary Commemoration of the Gallipoli Victory Was Held at Marmara University

The "March 18 Commemoration of Çanakkale Martyrs and Celebration of Victory Program" took place on Tuesday, March 18, at Marmara University Göztepe Campus, Dr. İbrahim Üzümcü Conference Hall. The program began with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem.

In his opening speech, Marmara University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt stated that this victory is the most concrete manifestation of our nation's belief in independence and freedom, love for the homeland, and unity. Prof. Dr. Kurt said, "The struggle in Çanakkale inscribed the words 'Çanakkale is impassable' in history with golden letters and set an example for the world's nations." He concluded his speech by saying, "I commemorate all our martyrs, especially Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms, with mercy, and I express our gratitude and appreciation to our veterans."

Following the screening of the "Çanakkale Wars Documentary," the "Çanakkale with Folk Songs" concert was held under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Uslu, accompanied by Marmara University Turkish Music Ensemble and Atatürk Education Faculty Turkish Folk Music Choir. The event continued with a poetry recitation of "To the Çanakkale Martyrs" by TRT Announcer Şevval Çöpür.

After the recitation, a conference titled "The Battle That Changed the Course of History: Çanakkale 1915" was held, featuring Prof. Dr. Vahdettin Engin and Muzaffer Albayrak as speakers. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Engin said, "If we are here today, we owe it to Çanakkale. Otherwise, the countries determined to dismantle Turkey in World War I would have achieved their goals, but this victory set a significant barrier against them. Therefore, no amount of pride is enough." Muzaffer Albayrak, who spoke afterward, discussed the historical gains of the Çanakkale victory and emphasized its importance for Turkish and world history. Albayrak stated, "This victory gave us something invaluable: the Ottoman army and the nation gained self-confidence. This self-confidence directly influenced the upcoming War of Independence."

At the end of the program, Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt presented certificates of appreciation to TRT Announcer Şevval Çöpür, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Uslu, Prof. Dr. Vahdettin Engin, and Muzaffer Albayrak.