Dr. Mustafa KURT Rector
Dr. Mustafa ÇELEN Vice Rector
Dr. Ömer AKGİRAY Vice Rektor
Dr. Hasan KORKUT Vice Rektor
Dr. Seyfi KENAN Dean of  Faculty of Atatürk Education
Dr. Korkut ULUCAN Dean of Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Hatice Kübra ELÇİOĞLU Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy
Dr. Ali Rıza ÖZKAYA Dean of Faculty of Science
Dr. Server DEMİRCİ Dean of Faculty of Financial Sciences
Dr. Emre İKİZLER Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts
Dr. Mehmet AKMAN Dean of Faculty of Law
Dr. Sadullah ÇELİK Dean of Faculty of Economics
Dr. İ. Safa ÜSTÜN Dean of Faculty of Theology
Dr. Mehmet Emin BABACAN Dean of Faculty of Communication
Dr. Sebahat DENİZ Dean Acting of Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
Dr. Hakan YILDIRIM Dean Acting of Faculty of Business Administration
Dean Acting of Faculty of Architecture and Design
Dr. Ömer AKGİRAY Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Mehveş TARIM Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Nail YILMAZ Dean of Faculty of Political Sciences
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Mustafa YORULMAZLAR Dean Acting of Faculty of Sport Sciences
Dr. Mustafa KURT Dean of Faculty of Technology
Dr. Ümit Süleyman ŞEHİRLİ Dean of Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Sibel KILIÇ Dean of Faculty of Applied Sciences V.
Dr. Latif BEYRELİ Member of the Senate Faculty of Atatürk Education
Dr. Ali Recai MENTEŞ Member of the Senate Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Mesut SANCAR Member of the Senate Faculty of Pharmacy
Dr. M.Vezir KAHRAMAN Member of the Senate Faculty of Science
Dr. Mehmet Deniz YENER Member of the Senate Faculty of Financial Sciences
Dr. H. Tonguç TOKOL Member of the Senate Faculty of Fine Arts
Dr. Selami KURAN Member of the Senate Faculty of Law
Dr. Ebru ÇAĞLAYAN AKAY Member of the Senate Faculty of Economics
Dr. Tahsin ÖZCAN Member of the Senate Faculty of Theology
Prof. Dr. Erhan AKYAZI Member of  the Senate Faculty of Communication 
Dr. Nuriye GARİPAĞAOĞLU Member of the Senate Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Haluk Rahmi TOPÇUOĞLU Member of the Senate Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Ayşe SUMER Member of the Senate Faculty of Business
Dr. Mine Gülden POLAT Member of the Senate Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Hasan Birol ÇOTUK Member of the Senate Faculty of Faculty of Sport Sciences
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Caner AKÜNER Member of the Senate Faculty of Technology
Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKİF İNANICI Member of the Senate Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Osman ŞİMŞEKER Member of the Senate Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dr. Muzaffer DARTAN Director of Institute of European Research Institute
Dr. Erişah ARICAN Director of Institute of Banking and Insurance
Dr. Mustafa USLU Director of Institute of Educational Sciences
Dr. Bülent EKİCİ Director of Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
Dr. Fatin EREN Director of Institute of Gastroenterelogy
Dr. Osman ÜRPER Director of Institute of Fine Arts
Dr. Ertuğrul BOYNUKALIN Islamic Economics and Finance Institute Director
Dr. Ümit Süleyman ŞEHİRLİ Director of Institute of Neurological Sciences
Dr. Mehmet Fatih AYSAN Director of Institute of Population and Social Research
Dr. Hasan KORKUT Director of Institute of Middle East and Islamic Countries Resarches
Dr. Feyza ARICIOĞLU Director of Institute of Health Sciences
Dr. İclal ATTİLA Director of Institute of Social Sciences
Dr. Okan YEŞİLOT Director of Institute of Turcology Research
Dr. Levent ÇİNKO Director of Vocational School of Justice
Dr. Gülden SINMAZIŞIK Director of Vocational School of Health Services
Dr. Yaşar KABATAŞ Director of Vocational School of Social Sciences
Dr. Mustafa AY Director of Vocational School of Technical Studies
Dr. Harun DUMAN Director of School of Foreign Languages



This page updated by Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı on 05.07.2024 15:19:34