Significant Improvements Made Within the Scope of TÜBİTAK-ARDEB Programs
In line with the decision of the TÜBİTAK Board of Directors on 12 October 2019, significant improvements have been made within the scope of the programs (except 1007 and 1004 programs) carried out by the Academic Research Funding Programmes Directorate (ARDEB).
The Protocol Between Change Management Club and TOBB ( The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey)
A protocole was signed between the Change Management Club, which is known as the job and career club at Marmara University, and TOBB Istanbul Young Entrepreneur Council.
“TUBİTAK 1000 Project Success Stories Sharing Days" Event – IV
4th of the “TUBİTAK 1000 Project Success Stories Sharing Days" Event, organized with the cooperation of the MİTTO (Marmara University Innovation and Technology Transfer Office) and TUBİTAK (The Scientificc and Technological Research Council of Turkey), will be held in Marmara University Pharmacy Faculty, Dr. Mustafa Nevzat PISAK Meeting Hall, on December 25, 2015.
Marmara University Has Discussed the 1000 Years of History of the Turkish- Armenian Relationships