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Marmara University Atatürk Education Faculty Fine Arts Education Department Music Teacher Education Department Polychrome Chorus

Marmara University Atatürk Education Faculty Fine Arts Education Department Music Teacher Education Department Polychrome Chorus

  • 29.08.2018

Instructor Bülent Halvaşi participated in the "2018 Ohrid Choir Competition and Festival" held in Ohrid, Macedonia, on 23-27 August 2018 with 38 students and won the first prize by being awarded "Best Youth Choir" in the category of Youth Choir with the category "Best Stage Performance".


Marmara University Pre-incubation Entrepreneurship Activities Continue

Marmara University Pre-incubation Entrepreneurship Activities Continue

  • 29.08.2018

Marmara University Incubation team continuing their training and mentoring. Our Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) Program Manager Sibel Soyak Eşder and Project Manager Melih Efeoğlu met by way of MİTTO. The event was held on August 28,2018 in Dr. Ayhan Mergen Conference Hall.


Protocol signed between Marmara University and PTT Anatolian Coastal Head Office

Protocol signed between Marmara University and PTT Anatolian Coastal Head Office

  • 16.08.2018

A protocol was signed on August 12,2018 regarding the transport and delivery of aps, courier, mail, cargo between Marmara University and PTT Anatolian Coastal Head Office.


TUBITAK 1000 Success of Our Instructors

TUBITAK 1000 Success of Our Instructors

  • 15.08.2018

Within the scope of TÜBİTAK's "Support Program for Increasing the Research and Development Potential of Universities with 1000 Codes" and within the framework of the "Preparation and Implementation of R&D Strategy Documents at Universities",R&D Strategy Document Reports were prepared in 2016-2017 period in thefields of Diseases and Treatment Processes, Polymer Materials, Environment Technologies, Biotechnology and Economics and submitted to TÜBİTAK.


Our Instructor’s TÜBİTAK 1000 Success

Our Instructor’s TÜBİTAK 1000 Success

  • 14.08.2018

Within the scope of TÜBİTAK's "Support Program for Increasing Research and Development Potential of Universities with 1000 Codes" and within the framework of "Invitation and Implementation of R & D Strategy Document at Universities", our university has been awarded the "R & D Strategies in the fields of Diseases and Treatment Processes, Polymer Materials, Environmental Technologies, Biotechnology and Economics -Government Strategy Document Reports which were prepared in 2016-2017 period and submitted to TUBITAK.


Çimen Bayburtlu Personal Painting Exhibition named ‘’YOLCULUK’’

Çimen Bayburtlu Personal Painting Exhibition named ‘’YOLCULUK’’

  • 14.08.2018

Between 06-16 August 2018, the Personal Exhibition named ‘’Yolculuk’’,whose art consultants were Prof. Lea Contantabile PhD,Prof.Ayla Ersoy PhD and Prof.Ayşe Özel PhD,and the curator was Assoc.Prof.Ayşe Nuriye İşgören PhD,was held in Marmara University Republic Museum Art Gallery.


Macedonian Football National Team Technical Director Igor Angelovski visits Marmara University Faculty of Sport Sciences

Macedonian Football National Team Technical Director Igor Angelovski visits Marmara University Faculty of Sport Sciences

  • 13.08.2018

Faculty Dean Prof.Salih Pınar PhD and Angelovski met and talked about how to collaborate cooperation with the institutions was evaluated.


President's Spokesman Visited Our Rector

President's Spokesman Visited Our Rector

  • 10.08.2018

President's Spokesman İbrahim Kalın visited the Rector Prof.Erol Özvar PhDon August 8,2018.


Academic Members  by TÜBİTAK 1001 Project  was Supported

Academic Members by TÜBİTAK 1001 Project was Supported

  • 10.08.2018

Within the scope of the project, in which Marmara University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry Prof.Ali Riza Özkaya PhD will participate as the executive and Assoc. Prof. ZaferOdabaş and Res. Assist. Efe Baturhan Orman will participate as the researchers, phthalocyanine based composite electrocatalysts and electrocatalytic performance tests in some electrochemical battery systems such as electrochemical energy converting and / or storing fuel pills and metal-air batteries will be prepared.


ASKON Delegation Visited Our University

ASKON Delegation Visited Our University

  • 10.08.2018

Anadolu Aslanları Businessmen's Association (ASKON) Delegation visited Marmara University Rector Prof.Erol Özvar PhD in his office.


Marmara University Preference and Presentation Days Ended

Marmara University Preference and Presentation Days Ended

  • 09.08.2018

The Preference and Presentation Days organized by Marmara University Corporate Communication Coordination have come to an end.


Our Management Faculty Hosted SIMFER in the Panel

Our Management Faculty Hosted SIMFER in the Panel

  • 08.08.2018

The Faculty of Business Administration of our university organized a panel and united together the representatives of SIMFER companies group and students on August 6,2018.


TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Achievement

TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Achievement

  • 08.08.2018

The Project whose executive is University Faculty of Engineering Department of Bioengineering Professor Prof. Ebru Toksoy Öner ,has been supported by TÜBİTAK.


TUBITAK ARDEB 1005 Project Achievement

TUBITAK ARDEB 1005 Project Achievement

  • 08.08.2018

TUBITAK ARDEB 1005 project entitled "Development of a Hybrid Biosensor Chip for Effective Segregation of Tumor Cells in Circulation", of which researchers are University of Engineering Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Inst. Alper Şişman PhD, Faculty Member of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof.Ali Koşar PhD and the consultant is Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Assoc.Prof.Tunç Laçin PhD, has deserved to receive TÜBİTAK support.


Our University Participated in the Preference Fair

Our University Participated in the Preference Fair

  • 07.08.2018

Marmara University participated in the Fair Fair held on 4-5-6 August 2018 in Istanbul Lütfi Kırdar Convention and Exhibition Center.
