Since 2005, Turkish Pharmacists Association Pharmacy Academy, which is the highest institution of the pharmacy profession, annually evaluates the outstanding researches, studies and services of the scientists of Turkish Republic who are researching and / or belonging to the fields of pharmacy science, has been giving Science, Service and Encouragement Awards as an incentive.
The Ceremony hosted by TEB President and Turkish Pharmacists Association the Academy of Pharmacy and organized by TEB Pharmacy Academy,held on September 25,2017 in Ankara.AKP Malatya Deputy Pharm. Öznur Çalık PhD, former Minister of Health Pharm. Kazim Dinç, past term Deputy Pharm. Mehmet Domaç, Presidents of Regional Pharmacists of TEB, President of TEKB Chairman Pharm.Mustafa Turunç, Cooperative Presidents, faculty members and lecturers of Hacettepe University, Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy of Marmara University participated in the ceremony.
TEB President Pharm. Erdogan Colak PhD said that the value of science is invaluable in reaching economic and social goals and that all of the developed countries in the world are building on the goals of science politics and that the Academy of Pharmacy every year has been working on science, and Encouragement Awards; congratulated the scientists who deserved it. Medical Device and Drug Administration President Dr. Hakkı Gürsöz mentioned that 300 academicians from 30 pharmacy faculties and 30 academicians from scientific faculties worked in the field of medicine and said that they had developed well for localization in the field of medicine. AK Party Deputy Chairman for Social Politics Malatya Deputy Pharm. Öznur Çalık congratulated the academicians and institutions who received awards and emphasized the importance of science in her speech. Turkish Pharmacists Association President of the Pharmacy Academy Dr. Tayfun Uzbay explained the award criteria and calculations in his speech.
Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department Prof. Ş. Güniz Küçükgüzel PhD was awarded in the category of jury Science Award at 2017 Science, Service and Encouragement Award Ceremony . Professor Ş.Güniz Küçükgüzel PhD took her Science Award plaque and charter from AK Party Deputy Chairman Malatya Deputy Pharm. Öznur Çalık. We congratulate Prof.Ş. Güniz Küçükgüzel PhD and wish her success a continued success.