Director of the Center Prof. Gülay Akgul Yilmaz PhD gave a speech at the opening of the symposium and said;"Any kind of violence, whether physical, sexual, psychological or economic, is a situation that is contrary to human rights and can not be justified and acceptable.She emphasized that in our country, as the age of women increases, the rate of violence increases and as the level of education and welfare increases,it decreases. It is very important for girls to not give in marriage at a young age and support their participation in work life. Professor Yilmaz;’’ In order to reduce the rate of violence against women; all men / women, young / old people should be trained in human rights, communication skills development, anger control’’. Professor Yilmaz emphasized that the issue of violence against women should be treated as an interdisciplinary issue in terms of the development of proposals for dissolution. For this reason, the symposium is aimed at investigating the violence of women with sociological, psychological, legal, medical and political dimensions. Yilmaz said that they wanted to contribute to the solution of the problem welfare of women and children, which is very closely related to the welfare and peace of society. Prof. Yılmaz said that Gender Equality lesson was implemented as a pilot in the Faculties of Economics, Business and Political Sciences, and said that they had prepared a gender equality certificate program. Yilmaz stated that they have carried out various activities in order to create awareness of gender equality in university.
In the first session of the symposium, which took place in four sessions, Prof.İnci User PhD, on violence as a sociological phenomenon and violence against women, Assoc. Prof. Aylin Akpınar PhD, on research on domestic violence and divorces, Prof. Hulya Alper PhD,on religion and violence,made presentations. Prof. Ayşe Rodopman Arman PhD moderated the second session. Prof.Dr. Yıldız Akvardar, talked about the effects of violence on women's psychology and Prof. Dr.Nazan Aydin talked about the psychological effects of violence during pregnancy on women and children. Prof.Dr. Bihterin Dinçkol PhD moderated the last session. Dr. Erdem Özdemir, on sexual harassment at work, Prof. Dr. Özlem Yenerer Cakmut, on the subject of sexual assault in the Turkish Criminal Law, Prof. Dr. Oğuz Polat, on medical aspects of violence againt women and Asst. Assoc. Dr. Canan Yılmaz, on the violence against women in the framework of the Istanbul Convention and Law No. 6284, made comprehensive presentations.T. R. Ministry of Family and Social Policy Specialist Burcu Sarıer Çakmak and Nermin Özer, Branch Manager of Istanbul Family and Social Policies Provincial Directorate and Chief of ŞÖNİM( Violence Prevention and Monitoring Center), made informative presentations about the activities of violence prevention campaigns for violence against women in Turkey and the activities of violence prevention and monitoring centers.