Congress on "Information and Communication Technologies for Social Welfare of Disabled People"
- 19.08.2015
Congress on "Information and Communication Technologies for Social Welfare of Disabled People."

9th International Statistics Congress
- 15.07.2015
The “9th International Statistics Congress” which is organized by the Turkish Statistical Association (TSA) and Osmangazi University Statistics Department will be held between October 28 – November 01, 2015.

International Congress titled “1st Pharmacogenomics Istanbul Summit: Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders”
- 07.07.2015
The International Congress titled “1st Pharmacogenomics Istanbul Summit: Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders”, organized by Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Molecular Biology, will be held at Hilton Kozyatağı Convention Center between November 27-28, 2015.

3rd Conference on Reflections of Postgraduate Thesis Process of M.U. Education Sciences Institute Was Held
- 16.06.2015
This conference aims to bring together thesis advisor and students in order that they are able to exchange and share their knowledge and experiences about all phases of thesis process

The symposium of “The Future of Institutional Memories : Digitalizing- Electronic Archive- Electronic Document Management”
- 08.06.2015
The symposium of e-BEYAS 2015 titled “The Future of Institutional Memories : Digitalizing- Electronic Archive- Electronic Document Management”, hosted by Ankara University and organized for the second time this year by Ankara University Information Technology Department and under the coordinatorship of BEYAS, will be held on October 22-23, 2015 in Teknokent Gölbaşı 50. Yıl Campus of Ankara University with the cooperation of Department of Information and Records Management in Marmara University and Department of Information and Records Management in Ankara University.

2nd Strategic Public Management Symposium
- 26.02.2015
2nd Strategic Public Management Symposium which was held for the first time on October 24, 2014, will be held between October 20-21-22, 2015 under the coordinatorship of Non- Government Institutions Research and Implementation Centre (STKAM).

Third International Maritime Law Congress Will Be Hosted by Faculty of Law, Marmara University.
- 13.10.2014
The most respected peoples who are from the world’s leading countries in Maritime Law and also representatives of P&I Clup will be together in the congress. Among them are the following: Prof. Martin Davies (U.S.A.), Head of Department of Maritime Law at Tulane University ; Prof.Dr. Athanassios Yiannopoulos (U.S.A.), Architect of Louisiana Civil Law ; John W. DeGravelles, Judge of U.S.A. Federal Court and Barcelona University Lecturer Prof.Dr. Ignacio Arroyo Martinez (Spain), Head of Spanish Maritime Law ; Gent University Lecturer Prof. Dr. Eduard Somers (Belgium) and Bologna University Lecturer Prof. Dr. Stefano Zunarelli (Italy) .

The conference on "Policy and Practice in the Classroom" was held in London on May, 22, 2014.
- 22.05.2014
Within the framework of the sciantifical cooperation of Roehampton University and Education Sciences Institute, the second conference which was organized for the first time on 9 May 2013 in Marmara University was held on 22 May 2014 in Roehampton University, London.

2nd Conference on Reflections of Thesis Process of M.U. Education Sciences Institute was held successfully on May 8-9, 2014.
- 08.05.2014
2nd Conference on Reflections of Thesis Process of M.U. Education Sciences Institute was held successfully on May 8-9, 2014.All academician collagues and students who participated as invitee and audience were thanked for their contributions.

8th National Congress of Educational Administration was held between November 7-9, 2013 in Marmara University.
- 07.11.2013
8th National Congress of Educational Administration which was held last year for the seven time with the cooperation of Malatya İnönü University Faculty of Education and Education Managers and Education Auditors Association (EYED-DER) was hosted by Marmara University.

1st Conference on "Reflections of Post Graduate Thesis Process of M.U. Education Sciences Institute" was held on May 24, 2014.
- 24.05.2013
1st Conference on Reflections of Post Graduate Thesis Process of Marmara University Education Sciences Institute was held on May 24, 2014.

International Conference titled ''Sharing the Experience in Contemporary Issues in Education” was held on May 9, 2013.
- 09.05.2013
Organized by organization of Education Sciences Institute and Department of Education Sciences, International Conference titled ''Sharing the Experience in Contemporary Issues in Education” was held on May 9, 2013.