Zero Waste Implementations

The opening speech of the meeting was held for the administrative superiors of the units of our university. Arısal explained the importance of Zero Waste Project in his speech. Head of Administrative and Financial Affairs Onder Bayır gave detailed information about the implementation process of the Zero Waste Project in our university.

In accordance with the Zero Waste Protocol signed between our university and the Governorship of Istanbul in March, our university became the “Partner  Institution of Zero Waste Applications in the Anatolian Side of Istanbul.”

Our university put this protocol into practice  in two dimensions. The first dimension is the introduction of zero waste in our university; the second dimension includes training for volunteer students and their participating in zero waste trainings in national educational institutions and public institutions.

In the first dimension, the waste is separated and transferred to the in “Waste Temporary Collection” areas in order to realize the zero waste application in our university. For this purpose, waste collection units are placed in university buildings and public areas while waste collection areas are being constructed.

At the second stage of the project, nearly  270 volunteer students were determined to conduct training and audits, and the first training program took place on April 20, 2019. In order to enable our students to participate in activities in the summer period,  the talks with İŞKUR for the recruitment of our students  are continuing within the scope of the TYP project carried out by İŞKUR.