Faculty of Technology Gain A Project Success Within the  TÜBİTAK 1005 Program

The project titled "Personalized Functional Scleral Eyelid Lifter (Scleraylifter) Material Design and Production with 3D DLP Printer in the Treatment of Psodoptosis Due to Phthisis Bulbi", which will be carried out by  Lect. Dr.  Sümeyye Cesur, was entitled to receive support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1005-New Ideas and Products Program.

In this project, personalized scleral eyelid lift materials will be produced using the DLP 3D printing method to lift the eyelids of patients with reduced eye volume and resulting droopy eyelids, and these materials will be used in the treatment of pseudoptosis due to phthisis bulbi.

We congratulate our academicians who took part in the project and wish them a successful project period.