Faculty of Fine Arts follows ‘’Elegant Dervish’’’ Sait Maden in the Traces of ‘’Simgeler’’

Within the scope of the activities organized by Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Graphic Design on 25th of March,  ‘’Elegant Dervish’’’ documentary was projected and logo exhibition titled ‘’Simgeler’’ was  inaugurated  to commemorate Sait Maden, one of the most important figures of Turkish Graphic Design History and Turkish Literature.

Attending the opening of the exhibition, our Rector Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar   emphasize  the importance of the exhibition. In the exhibition, there are various book covers and original draft works designed by Sait Maden for various institutions and organizations between 1954 and 2010.

The exhibition can be seen in Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Graphic Department until April 12, 2019.