ERASMUS + KA107 Information Meetings Held

“Erasmus + KA107 International Credit Mobility ”program was introduced by Marmara University International Relations and Academic Cooperation Office between 19th November and 5th December in different faculties.

In order to inform the academic units and support the development of projects in this field, the office officials conducting information meetings and unit visits gave detailed information about the mobility opportunities of the Erasmus + KA107 program and the countries that were contracted.

Within the scope of the information activities, a more comprehensive meeting was held at the Institutes Conference Hall on 2nd December for all academic staff and Erasmus Coordinators of the departments.

Lecturer Dr. Liaisan Şahin, Erasmus Coordinator of Turkic Researches Institute, shared experiences about the 2017-KA107 project, which was implemented and completed by our university, while Expert Gülün Gözde Öztürk, who is working in the field of KA107 in Turkey National Agency, gave detailed information about the  Erasmus +KA107.