A workshop for hearing impaired women was organized by Dr. Nuran Akyurt, who is a faculty member of Marmara University Health Services Vocational School Medical Imaging Techniques Program and MEMEDER Board Member. In the workshop conducted through the sign language translation, breast health, breast self-examination methods, malignant tumor, benign tumor, lymphadenitis and lobule accrementition palpations were demonstrated on a breast model for women over 40 with hearing impairment.
Erem Akyurt, a graduate student at Marmara University Faculty of Sports Sciences and MEMEDER volunteer, distributed pink ribbons and information brochures to hearing-impaired women at the event. After the workshop, hearing-impaired women were enabled to easily practice the stages of breast examination. For her contributions to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December, a plaque was presented to Akyurt by the Solidarity Association of Turkey for the Deaf. The workshop ended with a group photoshoot.