We Are Next to the High School Students In the Preparation Marathon for University

In order to enable the university publicity to reach more high school students,  Corporate Communication Coordinator Official Güzin Yemenici,  part-time students Melisa Çavuşyan, Pınar Yağmur Saçlı and Yaşar Mert Sayar visited various high schools and met with young university student candidates.

Corporate Communication Coordinatorship gave information about  educational structure of our university, international student exchange program opportunities, educational opportunities in different languages, campuses, departments of faculties and colleges, Marmara University Career Center (MARKAM), Alumni Office (MEZOF), Mentor-Mentee program, student clubs , social facilities, cafeteria, cafes, dormitories, scholarship opportunities, part-time student program, information services, health services.

Within the scope of promotions; Ege Science College, Istanbul Career, Education and Professional Introduction Fair that was organized by  Ümraniye Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, Kadıköy Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, Kartal Burak Bora Anatolian High School and Tekirdağ Anatolian High School were visited.

Our coordinatorship will continue throughout the term in order to inform students about their preferences.