Time Travel Mix Photo Exhibition

Participating artists presented their concept of Time by integrating their own perspectives and stories and photography art. In this exhibition where different techniques belonging to the art of photography have been used; some of the works were created with the technique of collage, some of the works were produced by dark room printing and some by cinematic printing.  Nuriye Çevik İşgören ,Çimen Bayburtlu,Demet Öznaz,Leyla Ulusman,Erkan İşgören,Gülhan Acar Büyükpehlivan and Nezahat Yurtyapar from Marmara University,Candan Durak Ayla from Gedik University,Mine Şakire Arık Derin from Istanbul Ticaret University,Elif Cankurt from Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University,Serdar Bayburtlu from Nişantaşı University and teachers Zekiye Sayar and Derya Kayacık participated in the exhibition with their works. The exhibition, which drew great  interest, has made important contributions in mediating the transfer of the art of photography from the perspective of different professions to the universal dimension.