Seminar on "The Power of Digital Transformation and Automation in Business Processes"  Was Held

Marmara University School of Applied Sciences Printing Technologies Club held a seminar on “printing centers digital transformation and digital marketing”, with the contribution of Yuchisoft company. Attended the seminar as a speaker, Samet Soylar, CEO of Yuchisoft,  gave valuable information on the subject.

The participants were informed about the integration of digitalization, which is a result of technological developments, to today's business life. It was stated that the concept of “fijital”, emerged with the increase of interest in e-commerce,  was created with the combination of physical and digital words, and as a result of this increasingly popular concept, it was mentioned that brands determined policies to unite the physical and digital world between their consumers and their products. In addition, it was emphasized that standardization plays an important role in maximizing customer satisfaction.