MÜYOS 2016

MÜYÖS 2016, consisting of two parts such as Basic Learning Skills Test and Turkish Test, was participated by the prospective students from 81 different countries. This test was a 80-question test consisting of abstract reasoning ability, mathematics and geometry questions. The second part was the “Turkish Language Proficiency Test,” a 60-question test, which assesses the applicant’s comprehension of written Turkish. 

Sınav sonuçları Başvuru Sistemi, http://basvuru.marmara.edu.tr/ üzerinden ilan edilecektir. Adaylar, kullanıcı adı ve şifreleri ile sisteme girerek sınav sonuçlarını öğrenebileceklerdir.

The Application system of the exam results will be declared on  http://basvuru.marmara.edu.tr/ . The prospective students can enter to this system with their user name and password and learn their exam results from it.