International 'NanoTalks' Event Held

The NanoTalks event hosted by Marmara  University, Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Application and Research Center (NBUAM), within the scope of the ERASMUS+ KA107 Program,  brought together scientists from Uzbekistan and Cuba along with students and academics from our university.

Professor Dr. Dilshat Tulyaganov, Chair of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Turin Polytechnic University in Uzbekistan, delivered a lecture titled "From Sand to Glass - Ceramics to the Silk Road" and  Dr. Lissette Agüero Luztonó from the Biomaterials Center (BIOMAT) at the University of Havana in Cuba presented a lecture titled "Alginate 'Smart' Drug Delivery Device from Seaweed".

Following the presentation, which attracted a lot of interest from students and academics, the laboratory at NBUAM was visited. Discussions were held regarding joint projects and scientific collaborations planned to be carried out among the universities.