Education of Manner of Patients with Trauma, and Advanced Airway Management and Implementations

Opening speeches of the program were made by Coordinator of First and Immediate Aid Lecturer Fidan Küdür Çırpan, and Director of Marmara University Vocational School of Health Services Assoc. Meral Yüksel Ph.D. Liable to ATTDER Legislation Provincial Vice Chairman Temel Kılınçlı contributed the education with his presentation named “Place in Health of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedic Association”. Liable to ATTDER Education Provincial Vice Chairman Hilal Kartal contributed the education with her presentation named “Manner of Patients with Trauma”. ATTDER Istanbul Provincial Vice Chairman Gökhan Çete contributed the education with his presentation named “Advanced Airwar Management”. The program ended with a plaque of appreciation given to the participants.