"Universal Design in Information Technologies International Barrier-Free Informatics Congress 2023" (BİLTEVT'2023), hosted by Anadolu University by Turkey Barrier-Free Informatics Platform and in cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Services and Manisa Celal Bayar University, was held between 20-22 September 2023.
At the "BİLTEVT 2023" congress, where expert speakers from home and abroad and many universities attended, different disabled groups held informatics sessions on different topics.
At the congress held at Anadolu University Student Center, Marmara University received an award for the "Marmara University Barrier-Free Digital Governance System" project carried out jointly by the Disability Unit Coordination Office and the Information Technology Department. Disabled Student Unit Coordinator Instructor Zuhal Özgenç Pek made a detailed presentation on the award-winning topic. At the congress, Marmara University's award was presented to Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Head of IT Department Vedat Yurt and Senior Software Development Specialist Volkan Kalkan.