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MUFE Robotics Receives Award at Gebze Technical University Robot Olympics

MUFE Robotics Receives Award at Gebze Technical University Robot Olympics

  • 09.04.2018

Marmara University Engineering Faculty Robot Team has returned with the award from the Robot Olympics held at Gebze Technical University.


Quality Committee First Stated Meeting

Quality Committee First Stated Meeting

  • 09.04.2018

Marmara University “2018 Quality Committee First Stated Meeting” took place in Rectorship meeting room on April 9, 2018.


“Askant Bursa-İstanbul” Group Exhibiton

“Askant Bursa-İstanbul” Group Exhibiton

  • 09.04.2018

“Askant Bursa-İstanbul” Group Exhibition, which has been coordinated by Lecturer Gülhan Acar PhD from Marmara University Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Zekiye Sayar from Bursa Demirtaşpaşa Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Derya Kayacık from Bursa Zübeyde Hanım Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and İlhan Beker from İstanbul Çengelköy Şehit Okan Altıparmak Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, occurred in Bursa and İstanbul.


Our University has attended Education and Career Fair

Our University has attended Education and Career Fair

  • 05.04.2018

Our university has attended Education and Career Fair which has been organized by Eket Fair Organization on April 3-4, 2018 in İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Palace.


Marmara University was in Istanbul Development Dialoques

Marmara University was in Istanbul Development Dialoques

  • 05.04.2018

Istanbul Development Dialoques ,orienting the realization of United Nations’ 2030 goals in Turkey, held on 3-4 April 2018 . Marmara University also participated in the program.


Faculty of Pharmacy "Certificate of Educational Development" Ceremony

Faculty of Pharmacy "Certificate of Educational Development" Ceremony

  • 03.04.2018

Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy and the MÜSEM business organized a "Certificate of Educational Development" ceremony on April 2, 2018 at the Faculty of Pharmacy Amphi-1.


New R&D Cooperation and Mentoring Framework Agreements from MITTO

New R&D Cooperation and Mentoring Framework Agreements from MITTO

  • 03.04.2018

Marmara University Innovation and Technology Transfer Application and Research Center (MITTO) signed two new contracts on Apri 4,2018 in the framework of R&D Cooperation and Mentoring.


From Knowledge to Consciousness Conference

From Knowledge to Consciousness Conference

  • 03.04.2018

From Knowledge to Consciousness Conference which was organized by Marmara University Faculty of Theology and student clubs of the faculty, was held on April 02, 2018 in Raşit Küçük Conference Hall. Chairman of Religious Affairs of the Conference Prof. Ali Erbaş PhD also participated in the conference.


19. Archive Exhibition

19. Archive Exhibition

  • 02.04.2018

H. Avni Öztopçu workshops can be seen in the department halls on April 2 - April 14.


54th Library Week Events

54th Library Week Events

  • 30.03.2018

54th Library Week was celebrated with various events organized by the Marmara University Libraries.


Time Travel Mix Photo Exhibition

Time Travel Mix Photo Exhibition

  • 30.03.2018

The "Zamanda Yolculuk" (Time Travel Mixed Photography Exhibition) was organized between 10-17 March 2018 in Marmara University Museum of Republic Art Gallery.


Springer Nature Writers Workshop

Springer Nature Writers Workshop

  • 30.03.2018

The Springer Nature Writers Workshop, organized by Marmara University Library and Documentation Department and Academic Development Unit, was held on March 30,2018 at the Institution Building Conference Hall.


Marmara University was in Bakırköy 4th Education and Career Days

Marmara University was in Bakırköy 4th Education and Career Days

  • 29.03.2018

Marmara University attended Bakırköy 4th Education and Career Days which was held on March 29,2018.


Occupational Health and Safety Program

Occupational Health and Safety Program

  • 28.03.2018

It was held by Marmara University Chemical Engineering, on March 28, 2018, in Faculty of Engineering Ayhan Mergen Conference Hall. It will take 2 days.


The Book Introduction and Conversation of “Kanlıca: A Village in Bosporus”

The Book Introduction and Conversation of “Kanlıca: A Village in Bosporus”

  • 27.03.2018

It was held by Marmara University Career Center, on March 27, 2018, due to 54th Library Week.
