All News

The Recreation Sector Meetings

The Recreation Sector Meetings

  • 14.12.2016

The Recreation Sector Meetings was held by the Marmara University Management and Organization Club in the Sport Sciences Faculty Conference Hall on December 12, 2016.


13th Private Koç High school Domestic Universities Exposition

13th Private Koç High school Domestic Universities Exposition

  • 14.12.2016

The Marmara University attended the 13th Domestic Universities Exposition held by the Private Koç High school on December 14, 2016.


The Education Protocol Agreement between MÜSEM and PWC

The Education Protocol Agreement between MÜSEM and PWC

  • 14.12.2016

Two certificated program will began between the PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultancy Services and the Marmara University continuing Education Center (MÜSEM) in the field of the Business Administration on March, 2017.


The 3rd MarmaraMES Mechanical Engineering Dates

The 3rd MarmaraMES Mechanical Engineering Dates

  • 14.12.2016

The 3rd MarmaraMES Mechanical Engineering Dates was held by the Marmara University Mechanical Engineering Club between December 12 and 13, 2016.


The Exercise and Tiredness Mechanisms Seminar

The Exercise and Tiredness Mechanisms Seminar

  • 14.12.2016

The Marmara University Faculty of Sport Sciences held a Seminar on Exercise and Tiredness Mechanisms on December 9, 2016.


Turkey Innovation Week

Turkey Innovation Week

  • 13.12.2016

The Vocational School of Technical Sciences Department of Design and School of Jewelry Technology and Design academicians and students attended the Turkey Innovation Week event with their projects. The event was held on December 8-9-10, 2016.


Educaturk Postgraduate Dates

Educaturk Postgraduate Dates

  • 13.12.2016

Marmara University attended the Postgraduate Dates held by Educaturk.


Cyber Security Auditing Event

Cyber Security Auditing Event

  • 13.12.2016

Cyber Security Auditing Event was held by Marmara University Audit Club on December 10, 2016.


5th International Blue Black Sea Congress

5th International Blue Black Sea Congress

  • 13.12.2016

Marmara University hosted 5th International Blue Black Sea Congress held with the collaboration of Marmara University Faculty of Political Sciences Department of International Relations and BİLGESAM Strategic Research Center between December 12 and 13, 2016.


 Motivational Support Event for the Security Forces

Motivational Support Event for the Security Forces

  • 12.12.2016

After the heinous and senseless terrorist attack aimed at Riot Police in the Beşiktaş district of Istanbul, our university members laid carnations in the memory of terror attack victims to support morally Riot Forces working within the Göztepe Campus on December 12, 2016.


Assoc. Prof. Yusuf Kaynak Obtained TUBİTAK Funding for His Project

Assoc. Prof. Yusuf Kaynak Obtained TUBİTAK Funding for His Project

  • 12.12.2016

Marmara University Faculty of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering academician Assoc. Prof. Yusuf Kaynak was deemed to be funded for his project entitled “Şekil Hafızalı NiTiHf Malzemelerin Talaşlı İmalatı-Yüzey Bütünlüğü-Ürün Performansı Arasındaki İlişkisinin Araştırılması” with the collaboration of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the framework of TUBİTAK ARDEB 1001- Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program.


MARKAM Foreign Education and Introduction Event

MARKAM Foreign Education and Introduction Event

  • 09.12.2016

Marmara University Career Center (MARKAM) held “Foreign Education and Introduction Event” on December 8, 2016.


Our Students Listened SAP From the Experts

Our Students Listened SAP From the Experts

  • 09.12.2016

Students were informed about System Analysis and Program Development (SAP) in the event held in the Marmara University Bahçelievler Campus on December 8, 2016.


Student Clubs Operation Meeting

Student Clubs Operation Meeting

  • 09.12.2016

Student Clubs Operation Meeting was held by the Marmara University Corporate Communication Coordinatorship on December 8, 2016.


Commemoration Ceremony of Hüseyin Nihal Atsız

Commemoration Ceremony of Hüseyin Nihal Atsız

  • 09.12.2016

In the 41st anniversary of his pass, one of the most well-known philosophers, a historian, a teacher of literature and an author Hüseyin Nihal Atsız was commemorated in the ceremony held by Turkic Culture and Studies Club on December 8, 2016.
