Immune Deficiency

The aim and duties of the centre are as below;

To lead the necessary studies to identify immune deficiency disorder in Turkey on the molecular level. As diagnosis in prenatal period or at an early time increases the life expectancy of the patient, the centre plans and carries out national and international research, and creates sources or the execution of such studies. The centre, in order to educate researchers and to open postgraduate programmes carries out the necessary joint studies with relevant institutions. The centre arranges national and international educational and scientific meetings and courses on this subject to help support the prenatal diagnosis of immune system deficiency disorders, and the centre produces periodicals and other research articles. The centre provides education to the public on this subject.

Dr.Işıl BARLAN (Acting Director)

Dr. Tunç AKKOÇ

This page updated by Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı on 18.12.2023 09:55:05